Meet Our
Thomas Li Tao
Artistic Advisor
Crestar’s Artistic Advisor, Mr Thomas Li (李涛) started dancing at the age of 12 and graduated with outstanding results from Beijing Dance Academy (BDA). He was a ballet teacher with the Crestar School of Dance (CSD), from 2003-2011 and appointed dance principal in 2009.
Prior to joining CSD, Thomas was a dancer with the Singapore Dance Theatre (SDT) and Stars Dancers Ballet Company (SDB) in Tokyo, Japan. He was also an instructor with Singapore Ballet Academy and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. In 2014, Crestar opened its first Crestar International Dance Arts Centre in Beijing where Thomas was appointed Arts Director. Under his lead, many students received numerous awards and recognition. In 2012, he was invited by the Ministry of Culture, Singapore and the China Children’s Art Promotion Association as the Creative Director to travel to Europe to participate in art exchanges.
Thomas’ professional qualifications include being Mentor at Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), UK. He has a Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies (CBTS) and Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), UK, and a Teacher’s Certification, The Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD), Australia.
Some Awards and Accomplishments:
2020 Jan: Gold Award – Group performance and Excellent Mentor Award (Grand Valse Brillanee) Zhan Mei International Arts Festival, Beijing
2018 Dec: Gold Award – Group performance and Excellent Mentor Award (The Swans) Zhan Mei International Arts Festival, Beijing
2018 Feb: Diamond Award for Choreography and Group Performance Tao Li Cup International, Hong Kong
2017 Dec: Gold Award – Group Performance and Excellent Mentor Award (Four Seasons) Tao Li Cup International, Beijing, China